Author: Jody Holmes (Skwire) Date: 2009-09-02 Contact: Forum: + added * changed - deleted ! bug fixed v1.0.2 - 2009-09-27 * Changed "mode" to "accel" for more consistency. (Thanks, Kamel) v1.0.1 - 2009-09-27 + Added ability to set mouse speed. * Changed up the parameter syntax. Please adjust any of your scripts accordingly. v1.0.0 - 2009-09-03 + Initial forum build. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Installation & use ------------------------------------------------------- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Unpack archive to a folder of your choice. 2) Run MouseAccelToggler.exe with one or both of the following parameters: accel=[on|off|toggle] This will turn mouse acceleration on, off, or toggle its state. speed=[1-20] This will set the mouse speed. Example: c:\path\to\MouseAccelToggler.exe accel=on speed=8 If you run the exe without any parameters, it will pop up a box showing your current speed setting. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Icon copyright ----------------------------------------------------------- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program icon copyright Zeus Box (Kuswanto) @ License: GNU General Public License. Commercial usage: Allowed